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QCTech3 Testing Software


III.    Advantages / Characteristics

l  Plot the signal curve by any combination of all signals. Each axis can be defined by user.

l  Calculate another signal value corresponding assigned displacement or load.

l  Select different functions showed in the result table and change the name of the functions.

l  Load calibration is divided four section to improve the accuracy.

l  Software can control the machine and get all signal data at the same time.

l  Signal Data can be exported to the Excel file.

l  Compatibility with Win XP, Vista

I.      Range of Application 


The QCTech3 software is specialized for tensile testing machine and suitable for various material testing. Managing information flow is critical in today’s measuring environment. QCTech3 can supply complete analysis functions and raise work efficiency.
For example, it is used in Tensile, Compression, Flexural, Creep, User defined, etc. In above these cases, you can choose all kinds of functions which you want. Moreover, user can print reports, save testing conditions, and even add functions. For this reason, the software is easy and powerful for user


II.      Specifications


Test Mode
Tensile, Compression, Flexural, Creep, User defined, etc.
Load Unit
kN, N, ton, kg, g, lb, oz
Length Unit
m, cm, mm, ft, in
Stress Unit
GPa, MPa, kPa, Pa, kN/m2, kN/cm2, N/m2, N/cm2, N/mm2, kgf/m2, kgf/cm2 , kgf/mm2, gf/cm2, gf/mm2, lbf/ft2, lbf/in2, kpsi,
Time Unit
min, sec, msec
Speed Unit
cm/min, cm/sec, mm/min, mm/sec, in/min, in/sec
Energy Unit
kJ, J, N-m, kgf-m, kgf-cm, kgf-mm, gf-cm, gf-mm, lbf-ft, lbf-in
Analytical Functions
Max Load, Strength, Elasticity Modulus, Stress, Strain, Energy




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